Tag Archives: Nuts and Seeds

Pistachio Nut Butter


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It’s not easy being green. And unfortunately, pistachios are extremely underrated! Pistachios are lower in fat content than most nuts, but they are still packed with protein! And this pistachio butter I made (inspired by Alyssia from mindovermunch.com) is probably the best butter I’ve ever made. It has that sweet and salty element that I just can’t resist. And, of course, it’s simple and healthy!


  • 2 cups shelled pistachios, salted if you want the kick ;D
  • 3/4 cup almond milk
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • stevia to taste


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Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth and creamy. It’ll take a while and it’ll go through various stages: bits of nuts, ball, then eventually it smooths out. Don’t worry if it takes you like 10 minutes. it’ll get there.

This recipe makes about 1 3/4 cups. Nutrition info is below! 1 serving=1 TBS

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